This cheesecake is an easy-to-prepare, luxurious and expressive flavor. Very often it would probably be too much self-indulgence, especially when the spring is coming, but the cake is perfect for special family celebrations or if you would like to surprise your friends coming in the evening…


First we prepare and bake a baking dish with baking paper. I used a 24 cm diameter form with removable edges.

      • digestive biscuits: 300 grams (suitable for “Selga” without additives)
      • melted butter: 150 grams
For cream:
      • ricotta cheese: 350 grams
      • room temperature mascarpone cheese: 250 grams
      • sugar powder: 50 grams (about one-third of the glass)
      • vanilla extract: 1 teaspoon
      • Coffee: 40-60 milliliters (or chocolate liqueur)
      • grated black chocolate: 150 grams
For decoration:
    • black chocolate shavings: 100 grams
  1. We first apply the form to the foil. Grind all the biscuits with a food shredder. Then, we mix the crumbs with butter and the shape of the bottom and the edges. We put it in the refrigerator until we prepare the stuffing.
  2. Then, in a large bowl, we rub the ricotta cheese well with a wooden spoon until the mass becomes solid. We bring sugar powder, mascarpone cheese, vanilla and liqueur (or coffee). Mix well, bring together grated chocolate, stir again. We pour the resulting cheese – chocolate mass into the form on the base. We put it in the refrigerator for at least 60 minutes.
  3. Then we decorate with chocolate chips (you can get them by brushing the brick with a knife blade). We sound!





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